Thursday, June 09, 2005

Spits On The Sand Where The Bones Are Bleaching...

I had a weird dream last night/this morning. I dreamt I was in the play The Blue Room (from last year's Fringe) - well, it was sort of The Blue Room - the two actors who were in that show (Michael Marinaccio and Heather Leonardi) were still in it and they were still playing all the same parts - but from some reason, in between all their daisy chain scenes were all these other characters and props and stunts and madness. I was (in the dream) suppose to be in the last scene with Michael, my only scene - and we were suppose to be construction guys on a roof, fixing the roof and talking - only, I show up to the theatre and no one has a costume for me - and I'm wearing my bowling shoes and I kept whisper-screaming at people backstage that a roofer wouldn't wear bowling shoes on the job - so, finally I find a pair of black sneakers, say, 'These'll do.' and then somebody gives me a pair of cut-off jean shorts, 'Found your costume' - then to make it MORE roofer/contruction worker-like, they give me a hammer to put in one of the belt loops on my cut-off jean shorts. It's around this time in the dream that I realize that I haven't studied the scene at all - I don't know any of my lines and I think to myself, 'Maybe I'll just get the idea of what I'm suppose to say as we do it.' But just to be on the safe side - I look through a script and try to memorize as many lines as I can as quickly as I can - however, when Michael and I go onstage, he starts saying the lines for the character that I was trying to quick-memorize ----- It was around this awful moment where thankfully, I woke up.....(other dream-logic things in this dream, everyone backstage was being too fucking loud, so loud that it was overshadowing the people onstage and there were these big, wooden curtains-on-strings - like a big, moving picket fence backstage for some reason and it made this terrible clacka-clacka-clacka-clacka sound every time it move)

Today, I got a call from The Rep - for a callback for You Can't Take It With You. The callback is in July.

I need new brake pads/shoes/fluid whatever for my car.

I did my first storytime at Fairy Tales this Wednesday - and it brought back a lot of great memories for me. A good vibe. Just fun and like a breath of fresh air. Anna was impressed, 'You kept their attention longer than usual' I really hope that I can make that my little niche. It's fun. And the mother of the cute little elfin Georgia (where little Georgia gets her dryad-like Keebler looks, I don't know - not from her mother and father) said I was charming. That's a pretty nice thing.

Batman Begins rules. I can't wait to see it again.

Late night at Club Swank - I was bobbing and weaving like a prizefighter all night. Tonight, the bar goes to a full liquor bar - it's gonna be crazy.

Saturday is a day of costumes for me - Curious George in the morning and Pinhead at night.

1 comment:

David Almeida said...

Yes, congrats! I miss you, lad. I hope I see you tonight.