Friday, June 10, 2005

Choose Your Own Adventure...

I should be heading up to a auto parts types place to see about a motor for my AC.

Or I should be looking over my lines for Horror Over Drinks.

Or buying a new shirt and pair of pants to wear when I work at Club Swank.

Or I should be at a brake place - again for my invalid car.

Or going over my monologue for the SOTR audition.

Or I should clean up this house - hardcore-we're-talking-bleach-and-burning-nostrils cleaning.

Or doing yoga.

Or at the Library, getting a copy of You Can't Take It With You to look over.

Or buying groceries.

Or enjoying my lone day off - before the madness of tomorrow.

But instead, I sit here.

Last night was so slow, dead, undead.

And I just feel tired-in-my-bones tired.

Frozen. Beat. And I just want to sit still and put those things off and somehow be OKAY with putting those things off.

And there's something about this muggy/rainy weather that's annoying me.

I was folding some chairs yesterday and wondering, vaguely, about what other people were doing at that exact moment - friends - enemies - the loved and the loathed - it's funny how simple acts can clear your mind and let you think - force you to think.

Let you see little patterns to things...little paths.


GreenLitLindy said...

Uh...did you get called back for YOU CAN'T and just forget to tell me!?!?


tm said...

Hi Joshie!