Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Getting-Into-Trouble Weather

Spent too much time
staring out of the window today.
Across the street,
two Halloween balloons were making love.

It was windy and their round,
pumpkinheads kept moving
back and forth.
Male and female.
Male and male.
Female and female.
and sliding up and down each other's strings.

Delicate and rough.
Quick-quick, slow.
Twisting in their joy and confusion,
then unfurling like snapping flags
falling away from each other but never breaking apart.

Smiling their big Jack O Lantern smiles,
yellow jigsaws.
Eyes bright,
the shape of candycorn.
Eyes and smiles and silent laughter.

Watching them I couldn't help feeling
a little envious of the breeze touching
their shiny faces
invisible bodies.
I couldn't feel it from where I stood.

1 comment:

Schmacko said...

Joshie - I really really like this!

And you know I ain't gonna wax anyone's car when it comes to writing.