Sunday, October 09, 2005

Never Before The Big Game...

Hopefully, tonight will be really fun. You know, safe, responsible, Victorian fun. Eyes and clocks and expectations and guilt and asides-to-the-audience and double-talk and what-the-fuck and pulse pulse pulse and drink and wonder and mess up and smiles-that-don't-touch-eyes and memorandums of prior conversations and hey-it's-cool/it's-not-cool and tiny mental fences and Ghost of Christmas Past and lost highway and rudderless and I-fucking-knew-this-is-how-it-would-play-out and more rounds and confusion and guilt and the shape of all the things I love and can't touch or shouldn't touch and unsaid and unknown and Surrender, Dorothy and nevermore and balm of Gilead and double faced Janus and Montague's Love Quandary and kiss me/kill you and loud loud loud music and bass and thump and sweat and a conundrum wrapped in an enigma covered with a riddle and sprinkled with secret sauce and the direct mathematical equation relating to Misery and Ecstasy and pent up shut in stifled down and free agency and everyone throwing in their opinions like dice and bad advice and lamenting the past and brooding on the future and IHOP and Jagermeister and puppies-with-smashed-in-heads and blink gulp pop grin and the joke is always funny when it's not on you and hopefully tonight will be fun.

Safe, responsible Victorian fun.

So, spread your legs and think of England.