Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Stream Of Josh-Ish-Ness

Song Of The Day -

"Do You Want To" by Franz Ferdinand

List The Top Three Favorite Plays You Have Seen In Orlando Since You've Lived Here -

Nirvanov, Studio Theatre 2004 & Playfest 2005
The Blue Room, Fringe 2004
Fish Tales And Swan Songs, Fringe 2004

The Best Theatrical Experience For You In Orlando -

Something I've been in? My top three are Noises Off, Rocky Horror, and Oedipus. I am, in my own way, really kinda proud of those shows. I might add to that Horror Over Drinks - just because it was great to be a part of all the chaos of Fringe, those people, that energy. It was scary and fun, like being kissed and kicked in the balls all at the same time.

The Play You Must Do/See Before You Die -

Picasso At The Lapin Agile
Beyond Therapy
Lobby Hero
The Pillowman

The Physical Trait That Most Identifies Who You Are And Why -

I don't know. My eyebrows are pretty much married to me.

Change One Thing About Yourself -

My serotonin reuptake system.

We All Have/Experienced "One Thing" That Changes Our Perception Of How We View And Live Life, What Is Your "One Thing" -

Maybe this is part of the problem - I don't feel like I had that moment with my "One Thing" yet. No wheels of fire for me. I'm still waiting.

If You Could Be Another Person For One Day Who Would It Be -

Some random six year old kid who's gonna spend the day at a playground.

If You Were To Do Any Profession Outside Of The One You Have Chosen, What Would It Be -

Tinker tailor soldier spy. Something dangerous, but if you survive, you end up with a great memoir.

Of All Of Your Friends Now - Which One Would You Have Been Closest To In High School -

Ha, if you think I'm misanthropic now, you should have seen me in high school. I don't know - it's hard to picture you guys in high school. And I was sort of a creepy loner, clique-less. I probably would have wanted to hang out with all of you - but I would have been, at best, a third tier friend of a friend.

List The 5 Most Important Qualities That You Look For In Your Lifetime Partner -

Sense of Humor, Intelligence, and three Qualities To Be Named Later.

What Do You Need To Be Doing Right Now That You're Not Doing -

Figuring out how to start what I think may be a one man show about my two grandfathers.

At This Very Moment - Which Of Your Friends Do You Feel Closest To -

Close. Probably the only person that knows 80 to 90 percent of me is Amber.

What Is One Thing You Would Do All Over Again - If Given The Chance -

9/4/05. 9/13/05. 9/26/05. 10/9/05.

What Is One Thing That Makes You Happy That You Haven't Done In Awhile

Spending a rainy day on the couch watching old movies.

One Quality About Yourself That Others Both Love And Hate -

I don't know. I could hazard a few guesses but I'm not going to.

Top 5 Things You Do Best -

Tell a joke.
Tell a story.
Throw a party.
Cut my hamstrings.
Smile and smile and smile and remain a villain.

Top 5 You Wish You Were Better At -

Bending People To My Evil Will.
Wish My Memory Was Razor Sharp.
Wish I Could Give Off That Vibe That Says, "Don't Fuck With Me."

Of Everyone You Know - Who Could Win On Survivor -

With a little luck and a loose, adaptable plan - any of us.

Top 5 Favorite Words To Say -


What Is Your Favorite Thing About Your City -

The amount of greasy spoon diners near my house.

5 Material Possesions You Wouldn't Want To Part With -

My journals, photographs, box of mementos, a few of my books, that's about it. Of course, I've also been known to threaten to burn all my shit - so, depending on my state, I could probably lose it all.

What Is The Perfect Amount Of Money To Earn In A Year -

Enough so you know your bills are taken care of.

What 5 Famous People Are Most Like You -

Lewis Black, Larry David, Ricky Gervais, Dane Cook, and Beck.

What Is The #1 Political Issue A Public Figure Must Stand For In Order To Recieve Your Vote -

I just don't think that people should put a lot of energy into laws that take away rights from people or treat a segment of the population like second class citizens.

When Do You Feel Your Very Best -

When I'm making someone laugh.

Which Of Your Friends Do You Feel The Least Connected With Right Now -

Probably a tie between Marcie and Jeff.

What Is Your Favorite Memory With That Friend -

Gaming at Marcie's, or Marcie reading my Tarot.
Going to Mark and Lorna's with Jeff, or any number of long conversations we've had.
Again, I wish my memory was sharp enough to split atoms - but it's not. I know that I miss both of them. And that's a silly, pointless state to be in. It's probably past time that I caught up with them.

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