Monday, February 20, 2006

For My Next Trick...

I would like to thank everyone who came out to my birthday party. It was really fun. Of course, my memories of it are a little fuzzy around the edges. Or maybe burned around the edges, like an old Poloroid. It's like that NIN video where that title card: SCENE MISSING keeps showing up. Oh, look, more people are arriving, SCENE MISSING, oh, look, someone has a monkey strapped to a chair, SCENE MISSING, oh, look, I'm crying from sheer joy and Anna's sitting on my lap, SCENE MISSING, who invited that Chinese woman in the Kato mask, SCENE MISSING, Bateman's here and now Michael Jackson is playing on the stereo, SCENE MISSING, why is that pig head inpaled on that machine and why is it spinning around so much, SCENE MISSING, wasn't Marcie and Kevin's birthday card funny as hell, SCENE MISSING, it feels soooo good on the floor of my bathroom, SCENE MISSING, there were three in the bed and the little one said, roll over, roll over.....

And now I'm 27.


Schmacko said...

Well, one of those missing scenes amounted to the best thirty seconds of my entire life! ...sigh...


Schmacko said...

...almost two weeks and no new posts...

I feel kinda like I'm in a Beckett play...

tm said...

Hey, old man!
Sorry I missed your party, but Steven had committed us to another engagement that evening that I didn't know about when I saw you at the restaurant.
Happy Belated Birthday!