Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Secret War

It's like Invasion Of The Body-Snatchers, sometimes. You're all alone, shouting in the street -- a paranoid freak. You know that they're Pod People -- and no one will believe you. You WANT to shout, to throw out barbs, to be cruel and sharp. But you can't. You've picked up the vibe - the sinister bit of static - the chemical spray, the undercurrent, the challenge...and it's under the table. To freak out about it - just makes you look foolish and stupid and weak. You can't let anybody know that 'They're Here Already!!' -- you've just gotta move rooks and bishops and knights...and jokes and smiles and handshakes....and that tiniest pulse of 'fuck you'...that shine behind your eyes that says, 'I know you, douche-bag''s weird and strange and I never expected to feel this way....I'm as shocked as anyone....we'll just have to see how this whole thing plays out...

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