Monday, August 29, 2005

The Germans Are A Patient People...And Good Things Come To Those That Wait.

"I look back on where I'm from....look at the woman I've become..."

It just seems like the proper time to change the old blog title.

Had the first rehearsal for Poe tonight. It went really well. It's going to be an interesting show.

There's always more to say...and when I'm a big boy and I have my own computer I promise to bore you to death with all of it...for now, this is it.

1 comment:

tm said...

very cool and slightly random to see you at Target!

I was having a "not-so-fresh" feeling, being all hot and sweaty. Hopefully I didn't stink. I'm very self-conscious.

No one ever told me that Germans were patient. I'm German. I'm so NOT patient. Maybe my Irish quick-temper and Polish naïveté cancel out the German patience.

The world may never know.