Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Dribs & Drabs

Just thought I'd throw another post on the fire.

I'm so out of habit with this blog that I don't know where to begin (or what I should or shouldn't say anyway)

Rereading The Pillowman for the sixth time. Kevin Becker let me borrow it. It's a fucking brilliant play.

Amber's birthday is tomorrow - many shout outs should be sent her way.

Watched HBO's new show, ROME, yesterday...looks pretty good.

I just added Marcie to my MySpace friends....I love that. But I haven't seen her in ages....I hate that.

Hopefully the next time I see her we won't both end up crying like last time....next time it's all laughter and dancing and bubblegum and rainbows and baking cakes....

But that does remind me to tell Amber that story. And to tell my Dad. I don't know if I have the words to tell my Dad how much I fear his mortality. It just seems like a fucked up thing to bring up to someone.

Susan is the latest Song Of Ice And Fire victim. And like all the others (or should I say, 'like all The Others') she is hooked. The new book, A Feast For Crows, comes out on the 8th of November. Nobody should try to contact me at all on that day.

I can't wait for September.

For real.

1 comment:

Alyson said...

Question: Where are you at with the Rep? Did you get All My Sons?