Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dramatis Personae And Legendarium

In the town of Burlesque:

Vorago Icelus - leader of The Dolly Boys/Evocati Loyal. Former lover of King Lucan, Queen Nessi Nessi, and Mundivagant. His son by Queen Nessi Nessi (The Princeling-To-Be) was declared by King Lucan to be the official heir. He has continued to fight even after the battle at The Friday Falls resulted in The Princeling-To-Be's death.

Iaido Paperwhite - Vorago's younger brother. They have the same mother, different fathers. He was also a Evocati Loyal, now he's Vorago's second-in-command. Called Crazy Iaido. Addicted to a drug called glee-dream. A master of the Nine Forms.

The Dolly Boys - the ragged remains of Vorago's army, now made of more freaks and outcasts than soldiers, the only ones to be named so far:

Lee Inkhorn (The Dandy) - a hedge-mage in a bowler hat. A practitioner of a low grade version of the All Sorts.

Wettercogs - a clockwork man. All brass and rubber and steam and rust. One of his hands is a pepperpot revolver.

Argos Tector - the 'Sodomite Prince'. He wears women's clothes and powders his face and carries two swords.

Deke Murlimews - wereraven, scout.

Fatty-Cakes - a huge eunuch. Strong. Known for crushing skulls with his hands. A nonnatural.

Engstrom Nacks - a newspaperman-turned-outlaw-turned Dolly Boy. Fond of taking duerrotypes of people, thinks of it as art.

Vin Fanticles - a savage.

Buck Thenaday - quiet. His face is scarred from the daemon that shares his body.

Runcy Jane - powerful witch. Practitioner of The Inwit - a type of sorcery much more powerful and mysterious than the All Sorts

Daumis - a piano player

Bonny Mary Shih - a fourteen year old girl. Graffiti artist of such slogans as DISCORD FOREVER and SUCK MY COCK.

Paul - a young lad with an unfortunate mustache.

Gurne - a young lad known for wearing monk's sandals.

Miles The Aeronaut - a young lad with the wild talent of manipulating air. An aerokinesist. Helped The Dolly Boys destroy a war-dirigible. Caused lots of bad weather on The Green Salt Sea.


Outside of Burlesque, with the Queen's Army:

Jasper Mundivagant - A Evocati Loyal who declared for Queen Bellis over The Princeling-To-Be. A former lover of Vorago's, spurned.

Jackdaw - Mundivagant's manservant. They have a coded sign language.

Shrike - The Queen's Thaumaturge. A court magician and practitioner of the All Sorts. Out of place on the field of battle.

(Will) Thwankin - one of Shrike's more able apprentices. Handled himself well at both The Friday Falls and The Silent Field.

Justin Feague - one of Shrike's more able apprentices. Killed Big John Terminus with a nasty hex.

(Thom) Allemang - another apprentice who is helping Feague and Thwankin.

Ribroast (Xixin) - Mundivagant's torturer. Hasn't had any business since the town of Lovetooth. And there he started with the women and children.

Sad Bread - real name Herdotus Bread. Former teacher of many promising children who would grow up to become Evocati Loyal. Including Vorago, Mundivagant, Alytarch, Woad, and John Terminus. A bit of a revolutionary. Not sure about this war. His symbol is The Chimera.

Mundivagant's Captains, Commanders, Twice-Turncloaks, and Lickspittles:

Lord Calvera Twychild - his banner, the Hawk. Declared for Queen Bellis. Sir Alytarch was his son and heir.

Sir Vaughn Calenture - his banner, a row of Teeth. Declared for Queen Bellis. He is one of her suiters.

Sir Eli Thurindale - his banner, the Dragon. Declared for Queen Bellis. His nephew and heir was killed in a duel with Iaido prior to the start of the war.

Lord Caddis Ratherist - his banner, a Painted Hand. A member of The High Caste, he is one of Queen Bellis's suitors.

Sir Christopher Naufrage - his banner, the Sword. Declared for The Princeling-To-Be. Queen Nessi Nessi's older brother. Captured after the battle at The Friday Falls. Devastated by the death of the baby. Later killed Lord Helios at the battle of Wyrm's Galley.

Sir Mapache Scaum - his banner, the Ape. Evocati Loyal who declared for The Princeling-To-Be. Betrayed Sir Iaido during the battle of Terk's Square, killing most of Iaido's men.

Sir Lyle Offmangandy - his banner, the Asp. Evocati Loyal who declared for The Princeling-To-Be. Betrayed and murdered Sir Woad at the battle of Rushingburg.

Lord Dexter Ruricolist - his banner, the Hammer. Evocati Loyal who declared for The Princeling-To-Be. After his father's death, Queen Bellis was going to prevent him from taking the title of Lord of Hammerhall. He betrayed and almost killed Vorago during the madness of The Slingshot Battle. He is one of the Queen's suitors.

Sir Yul Quother - his banner, the Wand. Declared for The Princeling-To-Be. A dabbler in the All Sorts. He surrendered to Ruricolist after the battle of Hammerhall. Then he was hexed and tortured into declaring for Queen Bellis.

Thorton Oxgang - his banner, a Fist. A third son of a second son of a minor House. Mercenary. He joined up with The Queen's Army at The Silent Field.

Sir Infradig Motch - his banner, the Wasp. Declared for The Princeling-To-Be. His ship was overtaken on The Green Salt Sea. He found out that Queen Bellis has his wife and son held hostage.

Taghairm - called Dogflaws. A savage and a mercenary from The East Of East.


Soldiers, dragoons, sawbones, and men-at-arms:

Henry Luck - a victim of Inwit hexes.

Doctor Sushruta Bishop - The Queen's Chirurgeon, a sawbones.

Lloyd - a soldier who runs afoul of The Sodomite Prince.

Pouncer - a soldier looking for blood and trophies.

Nosh - one of Pouncer's fellows.

Burke - one of Pouncer's fellows. Dead aim.

Mollisher - one of Ruricolist's leftenants.

Rook - one of Ruricolist's leftenants.

Tobsman - a private being groomed as Ruricolist's factotum.

Yannigan Bag - one of Ruricolist's leftenants.

Tresseno - Ruricolist's soldier.

Gammon - Ruricolist's soldier.

Voker - Ruricolist's Head Engineer.

Buttoner - Voker's apprentice, affected by the Inwit hex.

Neddy - Voker's apprentice, affected by the Inwit hex.

Chiv - one of Thurindale's soldiers.

Arikara - one of Thurindale's soldiers.

Reeb - in Chiv's unit, bitten by a daemon imp.

Slap-Bang Benjamin - in Chiv's unit. Almost a dentist. Wants to take the imp as a pet.

Santiago - one of Naufrage's men.

Old Epharim - one of Naufrage's men. An old salt. Master Of Five Forms.


Back at the capital (Calliope):

Queen Bellis Katycho - sister of the late King Lucan. Fifteen years his senior. Declared herself Queen after Lucan's regicide. Denied his proclaimed heir, The Princeling-To-Be.


The Irin, typically called The Watchers - a monastic order that travels in silver spaceships, recording both great events and mundane ones that occur on various planets of the firmament for their holy book, The Stelliscript. They are neutral in all conflicts.They utilize a decive called a tachygraph to make their records.

The Ambassador-Nun (Samyaza) - The Watcher sent to be inside Burlesque with The Dolly Boys during this final battle.

The Ambassador-Monk (Grigori) - The Watcher stationed near with Munidivagant's men. He has not been allowed the access that Samyaza has enjoyed.

Urakabarameel, Armers, Saraknyal - the names of three of the Irin teardrop shaped ships hovering over the castle-town of Burlesque.

Nephilim - a monk-in-training.


The Dead:

King Lucan Katycho - murdered. Former lover of Vorago.

Queen Nessi Nessi Katycho (formally Naufrage) - Lucan's Lady Wife. When her husband would not provide an heir, she demanded the Vorago do so. She died mysteriously after giving birth.

The Princeling-To-Be - the son of Vorago and Nessi Nessi and the acknowledged heir of Lucan. Killed at The Friday Falls.

Lord Jacope Helios - Lucan's cousin. He declared for The Princeling-To-Be. Killed during the battle of Wyrm's Galley by Sir Naufrage.

Sir Raphael Woad - Evocati Loyal. Declared for The Princeling-To-Be. Stabbed and killed during the battle at Rushingburg by Sir Offmagandy, who began the battle as his ally.

Big John Terminus - Evocati Loyal. Killed by Justin Feague's nasty hex.

Sir Alytarch Twychild - Evocati Loyal. Declared for Queen Bellis, he was her castellan at Maiden Stairs. Was mysteriously in the capital the night of the king's murder. Fought a duel with Vorago the night he stole away The Princeling-To-Be. Was named General at The Friday Falls. Died when the bridge was destroyed.

Master Agoge - The Old Master. One of the teachers of Evocati Loyal. Gunslinger. Swordsman. General. Died of natural causes. Gave Iaido his sword. A Master of The Nine Forms.

Bernardo Paperwhite - Vorago's stepfather. Iaido's father. A merchant, wine-maker. Died of a brainstorm.

Clementine Icelus Paperwhite -Vorago's mother, a 'plaything' of The Old King.

The Old King (King Tycho Katycho) - Bellis and Lucan's father. Had groomed Bellis as his successor but after the birth of Lucan changed his decision.

Queen Getrude Katycho (formally Twychild) - mother of Bellis and Lucan.

Princess Isobel Katycho (married Frederick Helios) - sister of Tycho, mother of Jacope Helios.

Baron Hector Mundivagant - Jasper's father. A war hero. Baron of Do'Down. Called Lord Of The Skies. Flew airships for The Old King. Evocati Loyal. Killed Shivering Jemmy and Broad Arrow Bill and the revolutionary Sylas Glaums.

Sylas Glaums - an anarchist who wanted to bring down the Katycho monarchy.

Shivering Jemmy - a famous outlaw.

Broad Arrow Bill - a famous outlaw.


Lands, Places, Etc

The Throne-land - the heart of the realm, an area of land directly controlled by the Royal House Of Katycho.

Oneiraas - The western continent, mostly controlled by The High Caste.

The capital - its name is Calliope, where House Katycho governs from.

The Laughing Court - one of the main audience chambers in Calliope

The Griffin's Garden - a Royal garden, hedge-maze in Calliope. Burned down at the start of the Sweetheart War.

Maiden Stairs - a castle outside of Calliope.

Mandrake - the township where Vorago and Iaido are from.

The Friday Falls - a spectacular waterfall and bridge.

Terk's Square - major merchant town.

Do'Down - a barony controlled by House Mundivagant.

Rushingburg - home of several colleges, typically a hotbed of revolutionary ideas and blather.

Hammerhall - the ancient caste keep ruled by House Ruricolist

The Silent Field - actually a series of beautiful canyons and mesas.

The Slingshot - a passenger train connecting Rushingburg with Easterling and The White Chalk.

The White Chalk - a no man's land at the eastern edge of the continent.

Easterling - a port town beyond The White Chalk. Sometimes just called East, or The East.

The Green Salt Sea - sea that sits between the western continent of Oneiraas and the eastern continent of Hypnaas.

Hypnaas - the eastern continent. Usually just called The East Of East.

Sullyport - a port town of Hypnaas.

Burlesque - a castle-town of Hypnaas a few days inland from the Green Salt Sea. Located in a small patch of dry desert land called The Bracelet.

The Bracelet - a desert land the cuts the Eastern portion of Hypnaas from the far-flung Western lands.

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