Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Josh Division

I'm glad I'm not a funeral director.

I feel a strange sense of brotherhood with other Left Handed People (except for those Uncle Tom Leftys - the ones who suck up to the Right Handed Man)

I wish I understood quantum physics.

I secretly despise you.

I'm up and down.

I'm trying real hard to act like I'm NOT nervous about my Mad Cow audition and my Rep callback.

Music from WICKED makes me want to kill.

My bellybutton smells great (to me).

I miss you.

I miss yoga.

Cleaning feels me with a sense of peace I've never found with religion.

I want to go rollerskating.

My favorite song (right now) is 'Chicago' by Sufjan Stevens

I love reading to little kids.

When I look in the mirror - I see something malformed and horrible.

I'm scared of ending up in a wheelchair.

Happy is hard - sad is effortless.

I like my jobs.

Things are going going gone.

Smile and smile and smile and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow....


David Almeida said...

I don't comment on your blog because I find I rarely know how to respond to some of this stuff.

(And I don't believe you secretly despise me for one second, you cute little schmoopy woops, you)

It's a good thing that you like your jobs. Things could be worse.

I am trying to see if I can arrange the ice skating thing again for my birthday this year. Will that be enough of a fix or do we need to get ourselves on wheels too? I'm game... but let's not literally break a leg before our auditions.

Schmacko said...


I simply ADORE when you write poetry like this for me!




gigi said...

We lefties tend to have higher IQs, and we're more likely to become serial killers... At least that's what they say. :)